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How to buy ZMN tokens (Public Sale)

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For the purchase of ZMN Token or any ICO, the buyer is required to thoroughly investigate the tokens and the business which tokens related. The details of the ZMN Token can be found in the documentation provided below.

ZMN Token is a token which is developed on the Ethereum Platform based on ERC20 standard token. The token acquisition is done through a transparent and verifiable called ‘Smart Contract’ system. The ZMN Token specifications are defined as follows.

Now You’re ready to buy our ZMN token. To do this, follow these steps.

STEP 1  Approve KYC and get  

After approval, each user will get their own ETH address to make the payment called   
Sending ETH to this address will buy you a token.

STEP 2  Check price and exchange rate

The price for 10,000 ZMN will increase $2 at the end of the day (GMT) from the first day at $575 to the last day at $633.
The ETH/USD exchange rate will update approximately every hour.
Our website will provide calculator to help you convert amount of ETH to ZMN token from currently exchange rate. This calculator will show up in user’s Dashboard.

STEP 3  Transfer ETH to 

Transfer ETH to  from any type of wallets.

MyEtherWallet , MetaMask


Hardware Wallet

STEP 4  Check ZMN balance in website

When the payment has been confirmed, usually within 3 minutes, ZMN balance will be show up on your dashboard.

STEP 5  ZMN withdrawal

After 8 June 2018, you will be able to withdrawal ZMN token to the any target ETH address.